
Join us
Sunday Mornings
at Christ Church NYC

Join us Sunday Mornings for Services at 9 and 11 am

We Seek To Love God Above All Things and Our Neighbors as Ourselves.



9am - Contemplative Communion Service
11am - Worship with Professional Choir & Communion once a Month

A word from Rev. Dr. Eric Park concerning the fires in California:

As we continue to cry out to God on behalf of our siblings in California, this article from United Methodist News sheds helpful light on both the situation and the church's response.

These words from the article are particularly instructive for us:

"For now, the best United Methodists outside of the affected region can do to help is to pray for all dealing with the ongoing disaster, including first responders, and to donate financially. 'Money is the best thing right now because I don’t know what else I’m going to need,' said the Rev. Denyse Barnes, the conference’s director of justice and compassion."

I encourage you to join Tara and me in making a special financial contribution to either the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) or the Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund (with which the United Methodist Church in that region has partnered). Links to contribute to both UMCOR and the Fire Recovery Fund can be found in the article.

You will hear about other avenues of Christ Church's response to this crisis in the days ahead as relief efforts continue to take shape.

I join my heart to yours in both fervent prayer and eagerness to respond.

Commitment 2025

In 2025, we want to be the kind of church community in which expectant generosity is the norm and not the exception. We know that God is preparing and equipping us for expansive, creative, and transformative ministry in 2025. Through the practice of expectant generosity, we have the wherewithal to realize our full potential in the ministry of providing outstanding programing, compassionate and high-impact service to the community, and funding new initiatives that help to welcome and mobilize the next generation of disciples.

Christ Church is a Reconciling Congregation: Open, Welcoming, and Affirming of all LGBTQIA+ siblings. We are committed to providing community, sacraments, and the full services and programs of our faith family to everyone who seeks after the heart of God.

Watch the Sunday Morning Service


At 11am on Sunday Mornings we livestream our service from 524 Park Avenue, so that you can participate in real time with the rest of the Christ Church family. The video will be available for repeated viewing after the service is over.



Click here for a list of
upcoming online events

Click the link below to see a list of the upcoming zoom meetings, services, and online meet ups.
You will be able to click a link that will take you directly to the meetings.

Upcoming events.

This is the calendar of all upcoming Christ Church events. Click the date and event that you want to attend - at the time of the event, click join the call.

If you have any problems, email brandon@christchurchnyc.org.


Submit a Prayer Request.

During times of crisis, it is important that we stay connected with each other and share each other's burdens. Use this form to let us know of any prayer requests that are on your heart. The prayers are shared with our ministerial staff and prayer team.